Политика конфиденциальности

Политика конфиденциальности

We use information and data that our clients provide of their own volition!


We use information and data that our clients provide of their own volition; information provided by the owner. When our customers visit Doderio.com, we do not collect any personal information; we only store the information they provide.
When visiting any website, Doderio.com included, the host server traces the information about the visitor device, including the Internet Protocol address (IP) and the date and time of access, as well as the browser type and the external referring URL.
External links to other sites are embedded in all websites, including Doderio.com. Doderio.com isn't responsible for the content or the privacy policies of other sites. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend our customers read the privacy policies of these sites prior to browsing.
Every time, we are committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of all the personal information we receive from our customers. When such action is required or desirable by law, or to defend our customers, or to protect private ownership of Net property, or when we believe (without bad faith) that such action is required or desirable by law.
Our clients' data may be needed in some cases to help us contact them to meet their requests, so we will get their permission first. If we obtain the customer's prior written consent, we will never disclose the client's provided information to a third party for marketing purposes for his own benefit. Doderio.com could request the use of data for statistical research. This data does not identify any individual users.
As a result, provided data can be used by the Doderio.com website team in order to answer customers' questions, comments, and requests.
We The information on this website, or its sub-domains, will never be sold, bartered, rented, or disclosed to anyone outside of the company. Unless we have been ordered by a legal or regulatory authority to do so, we will not provide information.
Doderio.com reserves the right to modify its terms and conditions of the information privacy policy and confidentially as necessary or appropriate.
Every time we acquire data about our customers, we inform them how their data will be used and who will receive it.
In case of need or necessity, we will be happy to receive customer calls on the numbers listed in the Contact Us tab or email info@ِDoderio.com.
It is very important to us maintain the confidence and trust of our customers regarding the privacy and confidentiality of their data,  and we have done so through this policy.



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