О нас

О нас

Our network is your net worth!


Dodrio.com Is the innovation in The real estate market!



Doderio.com is a marketplace made to expand customers and providers' business and the best way of building networking in the real estate industry. 
Our main goal is to provide a network place for building developer companies, real estate agencies, and real estate brokers where they can easily share their products with developers without any Intermediary in between.
Meanwhile, customers can have easy access to the facilities of the many different companies in one place and with the original prices. Doderio is an open platform where anyone can become a part of our social network at any time, we are choosing them, and we are working with the best in this industry, but expanding the networks on doderio is limitless.


Doderio networks include developers, agencies, agents (brokers), and customers:Developer (construction company): Real estate industry has always had demand and buyers, where building developers companies come into the game. Developers are the companies building different kinds of projects and properties to satisfy the request of the market. Still, even they need the network to come into the market to provide and sell their product. That is where Doderio is the best marketplace for the companies like that. Click to View more as a developerAgency: The product providers in our network are well known as real estate agencies, and They are the bridge between developers and the Doderio website.The agencies on our website are usually divided according to their location.

Developers who have projects or properties for sale or pre-sale in the Doderio Marketplace can quickly contact the nearest agency through which they can make their products available to the public on the Doderio website.After developers and the agencies agree on the terms, the contract leads to the next step. Finally, agencies can upload new projects or properties from developers to the Doderio website. The Doderio agents' network would work on them extensively and worldwide to sell faster than the standard method. Click to View more as an agencyAgent (broker): Although agencies are the ones to gather and upload materials on Doderio.com and also take care and assist them and all the processes before contracts between customers and the construction companies.

 But agents (brokers) are a big part of our network as the most significant member of the team. Each agent can be assigned to the project or property they are willing to sell after sending the request and being approved by agencies. 


Their goal is to provide all the information to potential customers and help them get the house of their dreams.
They are everywhere, every place that we might have a potential customer there and also they could provide services locally and within same as the customers' language. Click to View more as an Agent (broker)Customer: Customers interested in buying properties can find the massive result of filtering and searching on every kind of property on the Doderio website.     
Also, they can get financial advice from our agents' who are available on the projects or properties that they are interested in.
Because we give them a vast choice possibility of using our network, it would be easy for them to get all the information they will need to make the right decision.
This is the reason that they are going to choose us. Find your dream home on our website!


Join our network as an agent, agency, or developer.

Doderio is the best place to grow your career fast. Our network is your net worth.

Register now!

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